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The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa • 3

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa • 3

The Courieri
Waterloo, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY, JUNE 15. 1901. WATERLOO SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1901. 3 ently and historically connected with ration, and that there will be no split he will be given a call on short no tDoterloo Daifrj tfoarixr. tlce, otherwise, he will have to wait Princeton college.

Mr. Myths himself ting up again into smaller units. The was thoroughly educated. He has even big concerns are here to stay in some ,3 till chance brings the "kickee" Into fim H. HOUGH, DENTIST.

Raymond Block, corner Fourtti and Cotnmer clal Ktretti. shape. For this reason he looks upon Waterloo during business hours." du'lng the strenuous legal and political life he has led, been an oinnlverous rTILlSHKD THE W. H. HARTMAN COMPANY.

(iNOORPOKAnn.) the matters as doubly important that uromer urant is a good gucsscr, we set about controlling them by fed A LITTLE DOES MUCH. He knows the Cedar thoroughly, even reader. Not a reader of light literature, but a reader of what Is In keeping with eral power In some such way as muni the spot where his boat was overturn THE DAILY. the cerious life he has lived. He can clpal monopolies are controlled by city ed by that big fish he hooked last discuss theology with a theologian, councils summer, and where he escaped with Per week, 12c Per month, delivered 60c OR.

P. T. HARTMAN, Physician and Surgeon. rhetorio with a rhetorician and logic The first remedy that Mr. Bulloc big life but minus a good share of hi Per year, by mall, ouUlde $4.

00 with a logician. He la in nothing sup- would apply is the removal of tail wearing apparel. We are surprised erflcial and In nothing vain. He Is a 'protection from the products of monop In Waagler Eaat Fourth St. All Milt that he hasn't guessed the location of THE SEMI-WEEKLY.

Books, low, Dee. It Mo toDiroe eaa tell what I have endured In the put tan yeare with my monthly elck pen. While euflering anloM aitony, a friend called and recommended Wine of Cental. I cent for a bottle, and Obi what relief. After the fir it dole I began to feel better and have had no eln eince.

MK8. ORACH LAMPHERB. answered from office. New 'Phone 421. nlaln anpnkine.

solid thinkinir tenuine olies. He cites the fact that the steel the haunts for Sunday fishermen One $1.50 trust Is charging monopoly prices at Six months .75 Four months .50 Come up, Dave, as soon as the conven tlon Is over and you are regularly nom home and selling its products in for OBXPPSN SHANNON, Inated for lieutenant governor, and 186 Bridge street, Waterloo, Iowa, elgu markets for less tlinn the home price. "We have only ourselves to Pfayddans and Surf eons. we will show you a nice deep and blame," he says, "If we fall to apply man. The tact tnat he Das taken an active part In politics Is perhaps largely due to the other fact that he married into a political family.

Mrs. Blythe be-In a daughter of the late Senator Gear. Much of his activity In politics which has been ascribed to Mr. Hlythe the B. Q.

attorney has really been atti-butable to Mr. Blythe the son-in-law of This paper Is entered at the post- quiet hole In the Cedar where the elongated pickerel luzlly spends the Scientific Electro-Tberapeuties, the simple remedy of placing iron and steel upon the free list" He would office at Waterloo. Iowa, as second- summer hours, where the bass, big cla6s matter. apply the same corrective to every In mouthed and black, slip in and out dustry that has reached a similar do and where that rotund croppie quiet The Courier Is a subscriber to the gree or monopoly. lie would even Senator Gear.

He was always loyal to ly lies eyeing his surroundings for the Associated Press report and a member ti, t.nntirai Rnimtir.n nf his dist In-1 "throw open to general une, In return BR. C. M. SNYDER, Office in 0. C.

Miller Building, over Eailey Urmlley'i nev clotblog store. Office bouri: 8:30 to 12; I to B. of the Iowa Evening Press association. gu'shed father-in-law and nothing in a reasonable compensation, every appearance of a small but wiggling shlirer. Come up, Dave, and we will show you how much easier It Is to paieui nuuu is ruiyiucu ucituiicr lor his career is more commendable than Wing of Cardul not only cures but It acts AT ONCE.

Her Is a cast of ten years' standing-, and yet on single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. Th Win goes straight to the seat of th trouble It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its action Is not violent, and it does not force a result, it simply gives Nature that llttl assistance that the sufferer's System lacks. A single disorder In the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when th Wine cures the source, aD the other Ills vanish as a matter of court. A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at borne.

Leal ex- The largest circulation of any paper I monopolistic ends." bring fish Into your net thnn to ratch I The other chief remedy proposed Is such loyalty. The college that conferred the degree of doctor of laws on Mr. Blythe added an ornament to his the elusive delegate with so many published in Blackbawk county. Ad vertising rates made known on appll cation. 'that of a national corporation law, tak tempting baits dangling before him ing it out of the power of the states to name, but nothing to his prestige.

create corporations that do business In iniiiaiiuiij are urgciy iningJOI in AMERICA ADVANCING. more than one state. Without the priv uiur aivitoaf iimithiit. HOW TO FILL THE CHURCHES. American locomotives are naullnn ileges of limited liability and of issu Walt Mason in the Lincoln Journal: English trains, and the English trains pist the obnoxious custom Is no longer necessary.

Wine of Cardul is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine made to-day for the cur of female troubles M. CATHERINE BDELL, M. SPECIAL ATTKNTIO.f GIVEN TO DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND OBSTETRICS. OFFIC-No. 8 In Russell-Lannon Building.

Take Elevator. Office houri: 9 to 12 a. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. New 'Phone 1153.

t. requiring pp.rHM Ir.c-uotit, editniM, glTln. iW Id.lwrf Tk.l RliTHIloy Bkuiuib 00 ChatUnoon, Tmul Rev. Byron Bell is cordially inviting in8 watered stock the promoters might and Englishmen are rolling over have found no profit In creating the the newspaper men to criticise the pas merlcan steel rails. A great Amerl trust movement.

A national corpora cat remedy, Hostetter's Stomach Bit tors and their work; and he will prepare a sort of resume of their opinions, tlon law covering these poinis, Mr. Bui Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. J. E. E.

Markley of Floyd, is now ters. Is gradually worklne Its wav to iocs. ininKS, -is almost, certainly our and make a sermon of it, which will ail parts of the globe where dyspepsia only hope of securing effectual control talked of as the Democratic nominee for Governor. be delivered in June. Such a sermon VAWlr: oil (-oyMj nd indigestion thr ve.

Like alt of corporate enterprise." American products, it is honest and ought to be very Interesting, and we would like to bear it. There Is not The temperate tone in which Mr, The weather man has does just what it claims to do. The Bullock's entire article is written en much sense In criticising the clergy as e). E. SEDGWICK ABSTRACT Attorney and Examiner of Land Titles, Complete Set of Abstract Books, 177tf Bridge Street.

der storms In the west three days In succession now. He may hit after most stubborn cases of constipation, biliousness, nervousness, liver and body; now and then an Individual titles it to the respectful consideration of all who are interested in the proper minister makes himself obnoxious, and rv a while, if ha keeps on. kidney troubles miiBt yield to it. It is solution of one of the vexed problems rn a we never could see any wore barm in tne most perfect remedy ever devised pf the hour. 4 Walter Wellman has broken into for weak Btoraachs.

For fifty years it criticising a lawyer or livery man. The pastor is better than other men only Iowa's politics. Walter should remem has been famous for its astonishing AN IOWA LESSON IN LIFE when, he leads a nobler anu purer life; ber the Keneral fate of the man who efficacy. It is a perfectly natural remedy, and there Is nothing to equal the cloth he wears is no more sacred interferes in a family "spat." A. O.

JUNCE, and Wood. fSteshose, old, 89; i089. Mm near Diagonal Depot, Weit Bids. See that a Private Revenue Stamn than the duck worn by the laboring man. Mr.

Beall wants to kn6w how the The Hampton Chronicle advises the covers the neck of the bottle. clergyman can get closer to the com people to keep their eyes on Harriman Marshalltown Times-Republiean: An Instructive lesson in life insurance has recently come to the surface iu Iowa in connection with the experience of the Iowa Legion of Honor, a purely mutual and state organization that depends upon stated assessments to meet UNION MADE CLEAR HAVANA FILLER mon people, and the answer Is easy. He during the last quarter of the guber national race. And the pace he is must quit preaching. Many people re setting now, It may be added, is worth fuse to go to church because they don't want to listen to sermons; the pastor occupies the position of one who is al looking at.

death losses. It was organized twenty- MURPHY A RALSTON, ARCHITECTS. BusseU-Lamsoo Building. New 'Phon. No 1259.

IAR FALLS NEWSj two years ago and has gained a mem WOULD GIVE ALL HE HAS. ways giving advice, and the common bership of about 6,000. As is usual In similar organizations, the members people get tired of listening to advice, Cedar Falls, June 15. Today Is the Abraham Slimmer, of Waverly, the millionaire philanthropist, is quoted When nreachlne is abolished, the enrollment day for the summer school Cutler Hardware Co, who were in the prime of life when it churches will be far more popular and as saying: "If I could give away all at the I. S.

N. and the trains have was established are growing old and will accomplish more than they do now my money in the year 1901 on the 11 been bringing In new students. The normal board of trustees has elected dropping off by death at a greater rate than in the early years. As no' reserve fund was created in these twenty-two James E. Robinson permanent super Waterloo Electric Cure.

ESTABLISHED 1887. reseat Cor. Allen and West Second Streets. Conveaitet to Wert Side Street Can The church of the future will have music instead of talk, and a musical director instead of a preacher. Good music is ennobling and inspiring; it terms I desire and only have at the close of the year but 50 left, I would credit the first year of the new century the happiest one I have lived on intendent of buildings and grounds to years, the assessments have been so succeed the late Alex.

Martz. The fol WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. Cutler's Easy Tools and Cutlcff are the Best to be had. WATERLOO, IOWA heavy as to create uneasiness among awakens all that is best in a man; it earth." lowing teachers have also been elected its members and a few have dropped From what Is known to the world encourages him to better living, and it soothes his soul; music is a language out rather than pay them. Double as of Mr.

Summer's benefactions, it 13 to fill vacancies or been added to the faculty: Miss Julia Curtiss has been granted a year's leave of absence, sessments every month of the present that all classes of people understand; etaeSai" year have had a dispiriting effect. It understood that the conditions he would exact would not be extraordi Thoroughly equipped with belt of electric ajparatua and other facilities for lolentlflc treat acute and chronic dtseatoi. special al tjsMoa given to nervous dlteatet, dlieaaes hich she will spend at the Boston the Intricate arguments of the pastor appeal to a few, and fly over the heads was necessary that something be done Conservatory of Music, and Miss Cur- nary. Mr. Slimmer has been giving on his wealth for years, not to make a of the many, who try to find a comfort kut and Robert Fullerton are to have to save the order and to increase its membership.

Up to this date all its policies have been promptly paid and Its rnen, aiabetei, diseases of kldneyi, etc. Address, DR. LAFAYETTE W. CASE, Waterloo, Iowa. able nlace to go to sleep.

Music is ev harge of the piano and voice depart er new, ever interesting; while sermons ment. Miss Grace Knudson of Charles manifestation of charity, but unos tentatiously and quietly to do good in the world. Shrewd and sharp busi credit is still uninipeached. grow stale and tiresome, for the best ton, will take the place of Miss In order to meet the emergency the meeM Jennie Curtis, who resigned to accept last meeting of the grand lodge at of preachers must repeat the same old ideas over and over again. If some enterprising pastor were to give a sacred position on the faculty of the Cook ness man tnat he is ne knows now hard money is to be obtained, and how easily it can be squandered.

He wants Belle Plaine devised a plan to create ounty normal school, Chicago, 111. 1 1 mtLiw a resfrve fund so as to obviate double Miss Margaret Oliver of Toulon, 111., his gifts to do good, to mean and be DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT AND SCHOOL Mrs. S. E. Carpenter and Miss.

E. Homan. 310 Syndicate Block, Waterloo, Iowa. or excessive assessments, andJit Is be Made Right takes the place made vacant for a year something of a permanent nature for litved the order will stem the tide and by Miss Pierce, who was granted a year of absence. Dr.

G. B. Afleck of Y. M. C.

retain its good standing. But the new plan hits the old members a harder With our modorn New Century I That (nappy taste and rich flavor Brewery ws have pnrfnet facilities I you like so well ii eocured by fur preparing a brew that earpaBiea I proper ageing. training school, Springfield, concert every Sunday for six months, instead of a sermon, the same program might be rendered every time, and the attendance would still be very large; but if he preached the same sermon two Sundays in succession he would be dragged from the pulpit and burned at the stake. Music gets closer to the common people than any other agency; the benefit to which they are assigned. The terms he would desire will doubtless be a little severe and awkward for some who may come to him with begging propositions, but they will be blow than the new.

For instance a man all competition. Ound'a boor la old. of 60 with a policy of $2,000 would have was elected director of the physical department which has been added to the curriculum of the school. received the full amount of his policy tmi four end eddreH i we will null jmu aar lltbograpb.d booklet (i vlna a deMiiptloe of Oil. turnout brewer.

JOHN GUND BREWINQ La Crosse, Wis. terms which will mean something for The Pfelffer family is happy in hav- at death. Under the new plan bis life expectancy would be 14 years, In which W. L. DAVIS.

PcfnteriPeper Hanger IMS reasBoro Street. the actual and continued advancement of the world. ng with them for a time their brother, time at the rate of assessment he would ashington Pfelffer, from Bologna, therefore the pastor who wants to get close to the common people should devote Bis attention to music. have paid out G72. This amount is now Italy.

charged against his policy, and dying TALKER VS. DOER. The Sioux City Journal, edited by M. G. Egloff of this city and his Tabeir's TmiDC this year the 672 would be deducted brother.

Dr. Egloff. from Mason City Geo. D. Perkins, who has served a term FOR FEDERAL CONTROL.

Des Moines Capital: As long as that from his policy of leaving bis leave tonight for San Francisco, Cali in congress, does not think much heii'd 1,328. Every year's payment, fornia, and Honolulu, S. I. F. M.

MICHAEL. iSISTL- of the advice of the Daily Courier to the Eleventh district- Plll8 Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Bryant and son, however, reduces this charge against his policy by the amount paid, and at the medicine you need for liver stomach bowels-write fnr FreeSamnle Parkflcp rank, started last night for a trip to modern institution known as the trust is permitted a "local habitation and a name," Just so long "will there be a discussion as to the righteousness and the unrighteousness of its existence. We warned the district to remem the end of 14 years it would be wiped Eatimatea Painting and I the New England states and the sea shore. ber Bryan's fate and beware of talkers as congressional candidates. out. Not only is $G72 charged against his policy, but his monthly payments exceed the double assessments under Mrs.

W. H. Hurd and her daughter, The trust Is here. What is proposed to Work uaranteed to be first-class. 2 Miss Julia, her mother and sister, Mrs.

Send name and address we will mail you, free, full sample package TABER'S TONIC PILLS. Best laxative medicine made they will do you good can't help it. Made by the manufacturers of TABER'S PEPSIN COMPOUND, the Guaranteed Dyspepsia Cure; if you suffer with Dyspepsia, write for free aamola bottle. Both remedies at all drug stores, or do about it? Shall there be legislation looking to its extermination or will H. Curtiss and Miss Curtiss, are vis Not with any feeling of animosity to Mr.

Glover, the candidate of the Journal was the warning given, but because a biographical sketch of the old plan. The younger members, however, fare better and have insur iting relatives in Kansas. ance at a low and reasonable rate. The Mrs. C.

H. Nims goes to Independ him paraded at length his talking proclivities. The Journal says: "The ad it be wiser and more expedient to suffer the trust to exist but under something in the nature of federal control? One of the strongest and most interesting arguments which we have thus lDr.Taber Manufacturing a Peoria, III. oltfer members cannot drop out now, as ninny of them could not obtain other ence the first of next week to visit her parents. vice is not good, and the district is not insurance.

Children's day exercises are to be ob The lesson' to be learned Is that such served at the Presbyterian church to- fooled by it. The district has been too long neighbor to Dolliver to be caught far seen favoring federal control over rz i ii i i Hand Laundry DOES STRICTLY NICE WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. fraternal organizations should have provided a reserve fund from date of orrow mornine. Mrs.

H. S. Gilkey and Mrs. C. B.

Mil by such chaff. What every district industrial combinations appears as the leading contribution to current At wants in congress is a talker, and it ler go to Colfax on Tuesday. Swelled Up! lantic. The article is from the pen of wants a talker of sufficient perse verance to be heard. It is a well settled English Spavin Liniment removes all organization.

It tends to confirm the theory of old line Insurance companies as well as students of insurance that such a fund is absolutely necessary for the safety of the company as well as the policy holders. Mr. Charles J. Bullock. The writer undertakes the refutation of almost every statement on which the trust organisers base their plea to be let alone.

hard, soft or calloused lumps and principle that the distinction of a district in Washington, as well as the Oh, my poor head It's way out In front of me, and It throbs, Vhrobs, thro-b-b-s 1" Don't worry. Remorse makes It worse. blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, pride in It of the people at home, is in He holds that the present attitude of stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, apparent public indifference is a mis If you had taken one of Gessler's Magic GUESS AGAIN, DAVE. Our apologies are duo to Brother coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.

Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by Henderson Drug Waterloo, la. the noise made by its congressman. Advice from the third district to keep quiet comes in poor grace. The eleventh district is resolved to reform.

It is going In for everything. It pro Headache Wafers before you went to after eating or drinking too take. He says when the Standard Oil company can earn an annual dividend of more than 30 per cent it is evident that a few more years of further debate are almost as much as the monopolist can desire. The worst danger that he foresees is the drift of things to Brant, of the Clinton Herald. He has exonerated himself from the charge of neglect which the Courier brought against him a few-days ago that we are willing to forget arid forgive.

Just listen to his wail: R2l Estate Tramfiri. poses to be heard at Washington. It does not propose to be taxed for the Congressional Record without Samuel Patterson to Arthur P. Cot much, you would have had no ache never mind, you forgot It, so ake one now, and presto in 20 minutes your headache will be gone I POCKET A BOX. Still we believe the Journal will ton, lots in Cedar Falls, $40.00.

Samuel Patterson to Margaret M. Q. W. BUNN, DIAIU IH ALL KINDS Of COAL AND WOOD Drain Tilings, Cements. imtthlng Coals and Charcoal a Specialty.

Msattooo No. is. Office near O. G. W.

East gate Depot. Waterloo, Iowa. HIDES, WOOL AND SEEDS, W. R. FRENCH, DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Furs Wool Grass and field Seeds, bolt, recloaoed Timothy end Dover.

Laws Seeds. Dwarf Essex Rape. Seed Cora, Beans, Pop Cora, etc. WATERLOO, IOWA. agree that the men in congress who accomplish the most for their constit Long, lot in Cedar Falls, $20.00.

uents, are those who do things. The talker is all right, in many ways, but C. B. Zollinger to C. D.

Barger, lot East Waterloo, $550.00. George Leland to C. H. Tondro, et ie is not the whole thing nor even lot In East Waterloo, $1,500.00. P.

P. Roy to Peter J. Roy, lot in Ced the big end of it, except In the Congressional Record. This is no slap at any of the talkers, either, but just the statement of what many people will believe to be a general truth. ar Falls, $1.00.

R. L. Baldwin to Hans Peter Kris- tensen, lot In Cedar Falls, $300.00. E. M.

Storm, et to Josiah Hill, lot in East Waterloo, $1,350.00. DR. J. W. BLYTHE NOW.

Cedar Rapids Republican: The news Thomas Holister to Isaac E. Bertch, papers of the state are now lauding Dr. land in sec 27-87-13, $7,500.00. ward socialism. He believes that as soon as the choice Is narrowed to one between public and private monopoly the people will be for public monopoly, which is socialism.

The gradual change of sentiment in favor of public ownership of natural monopolies in cities, such as lighting and transportation a condition of affairs which he Is able to note seems to him to confirm this view. Mr. Bullock denies the assertion that trusts have not advanced prices. He says that in nearly every case combination has been followed by an advance in prices. While prices may be absolutely lower than before, the margin Between the cost of material and the change for the finished product Is greater than before.

Thus the margin of profit over the price of crude oil or sugar has shown a tendency to increase. The writer regards It as an established fact that the trust movement means "the establishment of monopolistic power to control supply and fix prices at the point of highest net returns." In like manner Mr. Bullock finds defects In other pro-trust arguments. He has no confidence In watered stock, and believes that retribution will come In the way of receiverships and reorganl- "The 'kickee' moves for a more definite statement in order to establish an allbf. He has not been in Waterloo for over three weeks.

He was there three Saturday eveniDgs and Sundays in succession prior to that time and each Saturday evening he tried the Courier door and found it locked. He communed with the Elks in business and social session, but met to representative of. the west side daily. He inquired relative to the Sunday habits of the editor of the Courier and nobody seemed to know whether he fiEhed in the big cut-off, from the lower dam, or within hailing distance of Frenchtown. Church janitors are equally ignorant With the other boy3 it was different.

The hanging out place of eminent citizens was easily found. The attorney general was swapping yarns in the rear end of a west side drug store; the great Elk wag found sitting on the stone steps of a west side bank, and the rotund forms of the Reporter men were seen wenditg their way to places of worship with becoming reverence. If the Courier editor will kindly give directions where his fishing places are located, RELIEF LN 8 IX HOURS. Distressing kidney and bladder dis (SESS1LERS MAGIC HEAPAOflE WAFERS contsfin no harmful substances of any Ifind. They are positively helpful to nerves and system.

Sold by all druggists at 10c and 25c a box (four times as many in the 25a box.) The genuine are put up In tablet form only. Avoid powdeVs put up In cachets (made of paste) because such coVers warp open spoiling the powder and when damp sre woimy. Gessler's Magic Headache Wafers are guaranteed to cure sbso-Utely in 20 rmautes or return partly used box to druggist and he will refusd full amount. MAX 0E5SLER, Ph. Milwaukee, Wis.

IDEAL ease relieved in tlx tours by "New Great South American Kldne Cure." J. W. Blythe of Burlington. The title is new and sounds strange for Mr. Blythe has heretofore been most widely known as a railroad lawyer and politician.

He is both, but he Is much more than either a corporation lawyer or politician. He is a scholar and a gentleman, and no man exceeds him In either respect. He comes out of two famous New Jersey families. On his father's side be Is Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back, In mala female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately.

If yon want quiet, relief and core this is the remedy. Sold by Henderson Drug Waterloo, la. Steam Our wdjron wtil osil sad dsUrsr to a part of the city. Our work oap kot be excelled. Both "phone, No.

147. 706-703 Lafayette Street. the direct descendant of seven generations of Presbyterian ministers. By all the laws of descent he was predestined to be a preacher, but he broke the succession and took up the. law.

On his Better equipped this season than ever to do first-class laundry werk. The Waterloo Steam Laundry, SOLD BY WANGLE BR03. TODD CO. mothers side he comes of the Green family the name of which is proniln- J. I FORTUNSKI, Mgr..

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